As we approach the anniversary of Aron’s accident, I wanted to again thank everybody for their support. This has not been an easy year for any of us, but over and over again I have been overwhelmed both by God’s grace and by the support and prayers of Aron’s friends, family, classmates, co-workers, and students.
Throughout the past year, I’ve experienced God’s faithfulness in so many ways. He has been my comfort and shelter in the midst of this storm. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think about and pray for Aron and his loved ones. I miss him everyday. Everything I do reminds me of him … especially the things we enjoyed together: church, Bible study, surfing, cruising his Novas or my Camaro... I know we all miss him in different ways. Aron is so loved and means so much to so many people.
As my heart aches, I am continually reminded of my need for Christ and constantly cry out to Him for comfort, and He is faithful. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about this C.S Lewis quote, “I pray because I can't help myself. I pray because I'm helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time- waking and sleeping. It doesn't change God- it changes me.” I have definitely experienced this during the past year, and I have been amazed at the way that God has softened my broken and hardened heart to finally be able to pray for His will and not my own. It’s a hard prayer to pray in earnest, one that for me has only been possible by His grace and mercy. I’ve realized that I do not need to be able to understand God’s will to be able to trust Him. I am thankful that He has not abandoned us in our heartache and that He is strong in my weakness.
Thank you for your encouraging notes and especially for continuing to visit Aron. Thank you for continuing to follow Aron’s progress and praying for his continued recovery.
As of this post, this blog has been viewed 74,627 times from every continent, and the Steve’s Nova Site posting about Aron’s progress has been viewed 24,088 times. I’m blessed by this reminder that Aron is not forgotten, not by God and not by those that love him.