Sunday, June 27, 2010


This weekend Aron has held on strong. Each day he seems more and more responsive. Not just to touch, but to voices in the room. He is moving more and more, for now its small moments, but we will take those! He had a slight fever and that has broken for now. Once again he has no spine or spinal cord damage. This is Aron's time now to get better, his body can focus on repairing his brain.

So friends and family wait patiently, he will pull through.

Aron will be moved today from UCI to Kaiser Lakeview. He is stable so the Doctors gave the go ahead for the transport. Lakeview is well known for neurology department. He will be in good hands there.

Lakeview Medical Offices
Medical Office Building
411 N. Lakeview Ave.
Anaheim CA 92807


  1. Sounds like good news! Does anyone know when he might be up to visitors? Many of the GMS staff would love to sit with him,and could perhaps give the family and friends a break.If this is a welcome,or even viable option, please put on the post. (visiting hrs.etc) Will continue to pray for a full recovery. Luv you big guy! Kathy @GMS

  2. Thanks for the update. Can't wait until the day I come here and read that he is awake and responsive! Keep fighting Aron.

    -Dave Pryor

  3. Us I great news I hope that I wil be able to come c my favorite teacher back on his feet can u guys tell us the visiting hours and such so I can go see him thank you greatly to the doctors that him through this and u can count on me to be by mr.shubins side to make sure he is feeling better
    Jordan M

  4. Jenny and I are continuing in prayer for your complete recovery, Aron. We are also praying for patience and comfort for all your loved ones. God is faithful to all His promises. With love, Gary and Jenny Liepitz

  5. Visiting hours at Kaiser Lakeview are 11 am to 8:30 pm. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. I can't wait until the day Aron updates this blog himself.

  6. Thank you Candace for today's good news of Aron's CT scan results. Will try to visit Aron at Kaiser this Wednesday night, hopefully with another fellow SoCal Novas goodguy, Chris Anderson, who came with me to UCI Medical last week. Thoughts/prayers ongoing, RK Smith

  7. How's Aron doing in his new hospital? I miss the daily updates. We're still praying for him.

  8. We would like to thank Aron's family and friends for keeping us updated with his progress. Please let us know how he is doing today when you get a chance. And we will continue doing our part by praying for his speedy recovery. Nathan wants to see Shubin when he wakes up.

    P.S. You got this one Viking!! Keep fighting!!!


  9. We are so grateful for the updates, as extended family friends, know that he is being lifted up in prayer in great numbers!

    Kurt and Robin Fuller
